Tag: MyGlue

Feature Release: MyGlue SSO and Just-In-Time Provisioning | IT Glue
June 04, 2020

Feature Release: MyGlue SSO and Just-In-Time Provisioning


This feature release streamlines security, minimizes the number of tickets related to login troubleshooting, and makes onboarding new MyGlue users a cinch.

New MyGlue Mobile Features
March 02, 2020

New Features for MyGlue Mobile App


Our mobile team has added a number of different asset types to the MyGlue mobile app, so you can now view flexible assets, configurations and locations, on top of view and edit passwords.

IT Glue Academy MyGlue Deployment
September 14, 2019

New IT Glue Academy Course: MyGlue Deployment Guide


We’ve made an addition to the IT Glue Academy. Introducing the MyGlue Deployment Guide. Everything you ever wanted or needed to know about the platform.

MyGlue Default Permissions V2
August 14, 2019

Feature Release: MyGlue Default Permissions V2


Announcing a new feature for MyGlue, the 2.0 version of Default Permissions, with expanded flexibility in asset permissioning in MyGlue.

Feature Release MyGlue MFA
August 13, 2019

Feature Release: Account-Based MyGlue Multi-Factor Authentication


Announcing more control over MyGlue multi-factor authentication.

Announcing MyGlue default permissions
July 09, 2019

Feature Release: Default Permissions for MyGlue


Announcing default permissions for MyGlue. A user who creates a password in MyGlue is, by default, the only person with permission to view that password.

MyGlue Use Cases #4 Documentation
April 16, 2019

MyGlue Use Cases #4: Documentation


This may come as a shock, but one of the best use cases for MyGlue is documentation. Most small businesses (aka your clients) benefit almost as much as you do from standardized documentation.

MyGlue Use Cases Part #3: Self-Service
April 09, 2019

MyGlue Use Cases #3: Self-Service


How many tickets do you receive that your clients could have solved if they had simply had access to the right information? By collaborating with your clients in MyGlue, you empower them with a certain level of self-service capabilities.

MyGlue Use Cases #1 Passwords | IT Glue
March 19, 2019

MyGlue Use Cases #1: Passwords


There are a plethora of use cases surrounding how you and your clients can be leveraging the power of MyGlue, but we’re going to start off plain and simple. Passwords.